A 40-Day Campaign to Manifest Prosperity

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Link to Your Higher Self and the Divine
Stub only: Partner with Your Subconscious
Stub only: Choose Happiness
Intro written: Reframing; Choose Empowering Beliefs
Stub only: Suggestion
Stub only: Requires Multiple Sessions

Exercise Details

Duration = 15 minutes.
Difficulty = 50/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To create fulfillment and abundance in your life--or some other good, such as freedom or joy--by contemplating the source of all positive manifestations of good that is deep within your soul and spirit.
  2. To magnetically attract people, resources, experiences, and knowledge into your life, so that you can fulfill your needs, guided by you higher self.
  3. To modify the direction of your life by shifting your consciousness and changing the paradigm or belief system you live from on a soul level.
Image courtesy of: Mike Johnson, Des Moines, IA, US || Original Image || SXC profile